Friday, May 18, 2007


So two summers ago, i took an Intro to Cinema class, thinking that film-making is THE medium to get into, possibly my secret calling that i haven't uncovered yet. Forget painting and all this meaningless crap i was making. No one is going to look at my dried-up baby gourds wrapped in nice mulberry paper and think, "Wow, that was deep...i am so touched by the rebirth of that little one." Nor are people going to be crying over my happy dark paintings, are they.

Now, with movies...i'll be able to throw in some beautiful visual effects, tell a story and deliver some meaningful message and people could get it right away. And i'll have Cate Blanchette and Philip Seymour Hoffman to star in it...

Well, anyways, i am getting carried away. So i took the class, and one of the first assignments given to us was to make a flip-book. Sounds easy enough. Well, actually, it was quite not easy for me. I couldn't even do those little stick figure action thing, like maybe boucing a ball or something. Something with the timing and coordination of things i just couldn't grasp.

Finally, i came up with what i thought was a brilliant solution: why not paint in sections and therefore, show the movement of the brushstroke in the flip book? SO, i went out to get a stack of unlined index cards and started painting these bright fields of reds, pinks and oranges. At the time, i had some friends visiting and they kind of looked over what i was doing. I felt like i was having a small but very captivated audience watching me direct my little masterpiece. Yeah, just a bit delusional there.

As it turned out, in my enthusiasm, the acrylic paint was applied too thickly, causing the paper to become too plasticky and flimsy to flip through. But even if it were able to flipped smoothly, there was no movement of paint splashing across the pages. You would think it would work looking at these, wouldn't you?

Well, i wasn't going to let my effort go to waste, especially not with all that earnesty and excitement that went into it (i also painted the back of some of the pages). It just so happened that at the time i was also learning to make different sorts of boxes/enclosures for damaged books, so i thought i'll use these to practice on.

Long story short, film-making is not my calling, which is okay, because look what i got out of it:

Pretty little box paintings to brighten the wall of my office. I shall just have to conquer the world one wall at a time...


  1. I know what you mean. I was certain that I was a glass artist who had simply never had the opportunity to manifest. I took a 7 day intensive class. By the end of the first day I knew I was a painter! So I guess it was worth it in the end. Your boxes are gorgeously delicious. Are they 3" x 5" index cards?

  2. Thanks, Jan! yes, they are on 3" x 5" index cards. first, painted on the whole surface, and then scored and folded over to make the box, with some cuts made for the flaps (the sides of the box).

  3. Mien the index card boxes sound like rediculous amounts of fun.
    that's a great idea for storage around the house
    i think i may have to work on something like that, hmm, I'll keep u posted

    umm, this idea of storage does not subtract from the exquisiteness of yours, i must say

  4. HELLo A.W.!! (A for Angel? :). so good to see you here!
    you gotta tell me more about your storage idea. i don't quite get it...

  5. i like how colorful it is! We need to brighten up Ant's apt with the items u sent me that we have yet to use. Thank you again!

    Haha, I thought the summer sorbet title fit the photo's subjects perfectly, but I forgot that I used that word until i read the footnote. Deeelicious!

  6. if you make the movie, i will come...(philip & kate are two of my favs) but i mostly i can totally relate to the '"red light is on and i can't draw a thing" this
    cheers! i am loving your blog!

  7. Diana, i have read all your posts! you are my inspiration for having this blog.

  8. I came across your blog from flickr and you know, reading your thoughts about your art and how you had that momentary insight that the key was to go into film, well I've had those same thoughts. it's still something I totally struggle with - ideas that painting is not relevant to life today or to most people, that I should be doing installation or really huge stuff or performance art.....
    I have been looking at your work and love it, and speaking for myself, I'd rather have something I can hold in my hand or sit and stare at on my wall than something to watch on screen and then it's done (so maybe it answers my own question for myself at least, about seeing film as a better medium, or more relevant for today)
